A school zone is a designated area where there is a school nearby and the presence of school children. In NSW more than one million school students travel to and from school each day. This means you must be very careful when driving because they may hurry across the road or come running on to the road without heeding oncoming vehicles. At Autogear Driving School in Lidcombe, we pay special attention to these conditions and rules.

The speed in school zones is at 40km/h, and is applicable within the area marked by the two signs “school zone” and “end school zone”. This applies only on gazetted school days (easily available online) and times shown on the sign (8-9.30 am and 2.30-4 pm). These school zones are marked with school zone signs. There are also flashing lights, indicating it is a school zone. Thus, these zones have no parking zones and other parking restrictions. Also, school buses come to and leave these areas regularly in the morning (8.00-9.30) and in the afternoons (2.30-4.00) so you have to keep an eye on those and students getting into and out of these buses. These are marked with signs saying “school zone”. Do not speed over 40km/h between the “school zone” and “end school zone” signs.

These signs and lights will guide you safely through a school sign, so pay attention to the road signs and lights for everyone’s safety. We, at Autogear Driving Schools in Lidcombe look forward to helping you navigate these zones and signs.

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